Gräver djupt i det ytliga"
" I STIL spinner vi trådar genom ekonomi, psykologi och samtidshistoria och passar samtidigt på att berätta spännande historier om människor som påverkat vår stil, på olika vis. Kanske kan man helt enkelt säga att vi sätter kläder och mode i ett historiskt sammanhang. För mode är inte något fristående fenomen, utan har förgreningar in i konst- och litteraturhistorien, affärsvärlden och är i allra högsta grad närvarande i allas vår vardag, oavsett vad man har för åsikt om just ”mode”."
STIL handlar också om det finns något mer än arbete, pendling, mat, sova och måsten.
Repris på söndagar 8:05. Ett fint sätt att börja söndagen på.
Det var en så fin titel på detta...
Klart läsvärt !
"I think science fiction gives us a wonderful toolkit to disassemble and reexamine this kind of incomprehensible, constantly changing present that we live in, that we often live in quite uncomfortably."
William Gibson i Wired
"The actual phrase was first coined by the collector of weird, Charles Fort, in 1931, who wrote in his early fantasy novel Lo!: "A tree cannot find out, as it were, how to blossom, until comes blossom-time. A social growth cannot find out the use of steam engines, until comes steam-engine-time."
Steam-engine-time is another name for technological determinism, which is another way to say simultaneous independent invention, Turns out simultaneous parallel discovery and invention are the norm in science and technology rather than the exception (see my previous post).
When it is steam-engine-time, steam engines will occur everywhere. But not before. Because all the precursor and supporting ideas and inventions need to be present. The Romans had the idea of steam engines, but not of strong iron to contain the pressure, nor valves to regulate it, nor the cheap fuel to power it. No idea - even steam engines -- are solitary. A new idea rests on a web of related previous ideas. When all the precursor ideas to cyberspace are knitted together, cyberspace erupts everywhere. When it is robot-car-time, robot cars will come. When it is steam-engine-time, you can't stop steam engines.
Right now it is social-media-time."
Charles Fort